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A cloud-based platform for seamless startup

Automated, simple and accessible to everyone. Start creating your cool digital products now.

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Build, deploy and scale

Instantly deploy high-performance cloud infrastructure across multiple locations.

Cloud Compute

Instant availability, flexibility and automation with our platform

Cloud Instance

Cloud Instances in Ukraine and abroad with payment for consumption


You can get any Cloud Instance configuration as needed

Live migration

Ability to run your instance on another node in case of problems

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Block Storage

Flexible and reliable storage for resource-intensive workloads

Fault tolerance

Your data is replicated across multiple nodes to ensure availability even in the event of problems


Create backups or snapshots in minutes

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Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Increased level of security and isolation of infrastructure in the cloud

Private topology

Ability to create private topologies for your infrastructure


Configure your VPC according to your infrastructure needs

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Firewall (FWaaS)

Blocking unauthorized incoming and outgoing network traffic

Protection against unwanted traffic

Firewall allows you to protect nodes from unauthorized access

Automatic Security Group

Ability to automatically create a Security Group via API

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Load Balancer

Балансування HTTP-, HTTPS- та TCP-трафіка

Розподіляйте робочі навантаження між кількома Instances під час пікових навантажень на ваш веб-сайт за допомогою Load Balancer, щоб забезпечити постійну доступність та уникнути перевантаження

Intuitive interface. Intended. Minimalistic.

Convenient management of cloud services and resources.

In the detailed documentation you will find all the necessary step-by-step guides.

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Convenient management of cloud services and resources.

In the detailed documentation you will find all the necessary step-by-step guides.

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Detailed documentation to help you build and scale your infrastructure

Find what you're looking for

With lightning-fast search and filters, our documentation is easy to navigate. In addition, we have a dark mode.

Use it the way you want, at your own speed

Whether you're new to cloud computing or a seasoned cloud user, we've got the video, walkthrough, and code example to suit.

Ask any question about the product, its settings, difficulties in operation or problems.

Specialists will respond within 15 minutes.

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You always know how much you spent and for what

OneCloudPlanet tariffs are suitable for both highly loaded services of large companies and small projects with modest requirements.

Pay only for the resources you use.

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