06 червня 2024 р.
The capacity of interaction
Modern requirements for high performance and flexibility in cloud platforms are equally important. OneCloudPlanet offers an effective solution that combines the potential of both directions: the capacity of Bare Metal Servers and the flexibility of Cloud Instances. This optimization allows your project to achieve results without compromise.
For example, Ricoh successfully implemented such a combined solution: for parts of projects requiring intensive computational capacity and minimal latency, Bare Metal Servers were chosen. For tasks where scalability and flexibility are important, virtual servers were used. This allowed the company to effectively scale capacities, maintaining a high level of service reliability and availability.
This approach effectively adapts companies to changing business conditions, customizing IT infrastructures for current tasks. It is expected that by 2025, the Bare Metal market volume will reach $26.1 billion USD, driven by the advantages of this approach.
This is a physical server with a single tenant, which means that the physical resources are fully allocated to one user or organization. All capacity belongs only to you, emphasizing unlimited access to the hardware. The characteristics of Bare Metal also offer advantages that distinguish it from Cloud Instances (virtual machines) or containers. Here are the main benefits:
- Predictable, stable performance well-suited for processing large volumes of data. A dedicated server can handle more data than a virtual one.
- No hypervisor, which represents an additional layer of software. Using less software leads to increased performance in terms of workload and speed.
- Specification customization. In addition to high performance, you can also pre-select what you need for the server based on your workload and potential usage.
- Direct access to the server and basic architecture.
- Control. The user has full control over Bare Metal. You can also choose the operating system and/or hypervisor.
- Security. Physical isolation provides additional protection. You can integrate the preferred security protocol without involving the provider.
- Isolation. This approach avoids the "noisy neighbor" effect, where one user disrupts the operation of others on the same resource.
- Transparent billing. With Bare Metal, charges are applied daily, with a fixed amount billed at the end of the month. You can also easily monitor bandwidth usage.
Solutions for different tasks
We offer various solutions that meet the specific requirements of your business. If you need maximum computational capacity and performance, our choice is Bare Metal servers. For those who value flexibility and scalability, we recommend Cloud Instances. And for even greater flexibility and wide application management capabilities, the ideal choice would be microservices based on Kubernetes.
Benefits of Cloud Instances:
- Scalability: easily increase or decrease resources depending on your project's current needs.
- Cost-effectiveness: pay only for the resources you use, allowing you to optimize costs.
- Rapid deployment: virtual servers can be created and configured in minutes.
- High availability: cloud solutions offer built-in mechanisms to ensure high availability and fault tolerance.
- Flexibility: the ability to choose various configurations and operating systems depending on your project's requirements.
Benefits of microservices and Managed Kubernetes:
- Independence: Managed Kubernetes from OneCloudPlanet allows you to perform the necessary work with this solution independently, without spending time interacting with a manager.
- Automation: Kubernetes automates the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications.
- Manageability: simplifies the management of complex distributed systems, ensuring easy updates and scaling of components.
- Portability: containers allow applications to run in any environment without the need to change the code.
- Efficiency: optimizes resource usage through container orchestration and automatic distribution.
- Stability: ensures high availability and recovery after failures with minimal intervention.

Thus, OneCloudPlanet provides solutions that can be adapted to any business tasks, ensuring both high performance and maximum flexibility.
Common use cases
Bare Metal is in demand in various scenarios due to its capacity and reliability. Here are the main areas of its application:
1. High-security environments. Companies involved in financial technologies and healthcare often use this approach for security reasons. Physical isolation of servers provides additional data protection and minimizes risks.
2. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For clients who want to manage a private cloud, perform virtualization, or use specific operating systems, Bare Metal provides the necessary level of control. This allows companies to customize infrastructure according to their specific requirements.
3. Multiplayer online games. Bare Metal Servers provide minimal downtime, high performance, and low latency, necessary for managing game servers and ensuring a positive gaming experience for users (even without graphics processors).
4. Data storage and management. Bare Metal Servers are an excellent choice for tasks related to storing and managing large volumes of data. Direct access to resources allows you to efficiently collect, store, and process large amounts of data, ensuring high performance and reliability.
5. High-performance computing. When configuring components to achieve maximum performance in cases such as artificial intelligence or machine learning, Bare Metal is a reliable solution. Using such servers speeds up the execution of complex computational tasks due to direct access to resources.
Additional Advantages of Bare Metal:
- Resource-intensive workloads. Applications such as video encoding, databases (DBMS), and augmented reality require significant computing capacity. Direct access to resources reduces data processing time and increases performance.
- Fast data transfer. For telecommunications company software, minimal data transfer time is important. Bare Metal provides direct access to network cards, reducing latency and increasing processing speed.
- Native cloud applications. These applications are developed using microservices and containers. This approach reduces server response time, ensuring faster access to RAM and other resources.
Our Bare Metal ensures maximum performance, reliability, and security, making it a reliable choice for various use cases.
How to choose?
This solution is well-suited for small and medium-sized businesses due to its transparent pricing and provided capacities. Simplicity and performance make them most attractive to customers. The better you define your requirements, the easier it will be to choose a Bare Metal server.
The choice of the appropriate "bare metal" is influenced by the following factors:
- What are your current performance requirements?
- How many users will you have?
- What services will you provide?
- What hardware will you use?
- How good is the network quality?
- What are your scaling plans?
Example of creation
Creating Bare Metal Servers at OneCloudPlanet is a simple and intuitive process. Below is an example of its creation in our personal account:
Personal account:
1. Log in to your OneCloudPlanet personal account.
2. Go to the "Bare Metal" section.
3. Click the "Create Bare Metal server" button.
4. Enter the name of the future Bare Metal Servers in the "Server Name" field.
5. Select a server from the available options in the table under the previous field.
6. Select the OS from the list specified in the "Operating System" field.
7. Select the disk layout for the server from the list specified in the "Disk Layout" field. The display of disk layouts in the list depends on the number of disks on the server.
8. Set the root password in the "Root Password" field.
9. Set tags in the "Tags" field. Use a space to fully input the tag.
10. Make sure you have filled in all mandatory fields, then click "Continue".

More information on creating Bare Metal Servers on the OneCloudPlanet platform can be found in the documentation.
Using solutions from OneCloudPlanet allows you to fully adapt your IT infrastructure to current tasks and changing business conditions.
Bare Metal Servers provide unrivaled performance and security for the most demanding computational tasks. Cloud Instances offer the flexibility and scalability needed for dynamic projects that require rapid adaptation. And for maximum flexibility and management, microservices based on Kubernetes offer automation, efficiency, and stability that help you optimize resources and accelerate application development.
Try OneCloudPlanet solutions today and see their benefits for your business.