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Microservices: foundations and advantages

23 листопада 2023 р.

Microservices are a method of constructing an application in which it consists of numerous small yet entirely independent services, like the mechanism of a watch or a car. Each of these services performs a specific task and can operate independently of the others. As a result, your application becomes a collection of such "components of a unified mechanism," which can be easily altered, modified, or added as needed without affecting the entire system.


One of the key features of microservices architecture is its decentralization. Unlike traditional monolithic applications, where all components are concentrated in one place, microservices operate independently. This allows for implementing changes and scaling only those services that truly require attention.


When one of the microservices ceases to function, it does not affect the other parts of the system. This ensures the stability and reliability of the entire application.


Microservices: advantages in detail


The characteristics of microservices architecture in software development might be precisely what your project needs. Let's delve into the most significant aspects that we are confident will be highly relevant to your project:


Effortless deployment: microservices align perfectly with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). This enables rapid testing of new ideas and easy rollbacks in case of failure. Reduced risks empower your developers to experiment boldly and enhance the product. Furthermore, integration with external solutions becomes significantly more straightforward.


Minimal entry barrier: microservices architecture is intuitively understandable due to the use of containers. Containers are autonomous software packages containing all necessary components. They emulate an operating system and can run in any environment, from server centers to personal laptops. This makes your software structure transparent. You see individual blocks with services interacting through HTTP and other protocols.


Reusability: in microservices architecture, code can be reused extensively, eliminating redundant copying and reducing errors during changes.


Swift fault isolation: services hosted in separate containers allow for quick defect detection and isolation, expediting code checking and quality assurance processes.


Freedom for independent development: each microservice is autonomous, enabling parallel development of multiple project components. This shortens time to market and enhances product quality. Imagine two working companies where, thanks to microservices architecture, both teams work simultaneously without interfering with each other, accelerating the introduction of new features and improving product quality.


Use of different programming languages: microservices architecture allows you to combine different technological stacks, enabling you to choose the best solutions for each part of the project. This broadens capabilities and helps attract top-notch specialists. However, it's essential to remember the potential complexities when mixing various technologies in one project.


Microservices: common benefits


Microservices offer a multitude of advantages. It's important to remember that, although microservices architecture has been around for less than a decade, there are a number of best practices that can help you develop software using this architecture:


  • Business focus: concentrate on services related to revenue-generating business operations, creating value for customers. This is a key aspect of successful microservices usage.


  • Decentralization: provide each team with independence in developing specific services. This allows them to focus solely on their tasks and enhances efficiency.
  • Data storage and security: as each microservice has its own database, ensuring data security and managing all data stores should be a top priority. Firewall (FWaaS) handles unauthorized incoming and outgoing network traffic.
  • Avoid unnecessary dependencies: although linking one service to another may seem convenient, it can lead to serious problems in the future. Therefore, it's advisable to avoid unnecessary dependencies between services, despite short-term benefits.
  • Deploy linked blocks together: in case you have multiple interdependent microservices, deploying them together is recommended. This helps avoid issues related to the functioning of some features without other microservices.
  • Track and isolate failures: microservices architecture simplifies defect detection. As soon as you identify a problem, isolate the corresponding service until the issue is resolved. This allows you to maintain high product quality and release it smoothly.




Basic administration: more time for development


Cloud administration services provided by platforms reduce the time and resources previously required for infrastructure maintenance. Delegating server management, monitoring, and updates to specialists allows developers to focus on creating unique functional features of software solutions. Basic administration means that we will configure backups, deploy monitoring systems, install software, and oversee the operation of your services.


Economically efficient Dev/Test environment: cost optimization


One of the primary challenges faced by software developers is the expenses associated with infrastructure for testing and development. Cloud computing provides a more cost-effective alternative. Services like OneCloudPlanet offer the possibility to create computational resources on-demand. This allows you to initiate a new project with minimal costs and scale your infrastructure as the project grows.




We'll Take Responsibility for the "Development" and "Testing" Environments.


In general, large projects host their Production environments with established, time-tested cloud providers. However, we will demonstrate that despite the more attractive pricing, we offer a quality service and consistent uptime.


Testing and experiments: secure innovation


One of the key aspects of software development is testing. Before introducing a new feature to users, it must be tested in various usage scenarios. Cloud computing provides a convenient environment for testing. You can easily create a copy of your application in the cloud, configure different usage scenarios, and evaluate its performance under various workloads. In case of issues, you have the option to quickly revert to the previous version of the application, minimizing risks to users. Deploy your development and testing phases on our resources. Optimize your infrastructure costs.




Unlike a watch or a well-tuned machine, microservices development is not bound by strict rules, making it more complex. In this context, experience in creating microservices can be a key factor in the success of your project.


OneCloudPlanet is your ideal partner for deploying microservices and other IT products in the cloud. Our cloud platform provides you with powerful tools and resources for creating, scaling, and managing your microservices.


Every project has its peculiarities, and we are prepared to offer you an outstanding environment for developing and operating your IT solutions. Our infrastructure capabilities and technical support will allow you to focus on creating unique features for your business rather than managing the infrastructure.


