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OpenStack architecture basics: building robust clouds

03 листопада 2023 р.

In the world of cloud technologies, among numerous solutions, there exists one that stands out with its uniqueness and flexibility. It's OpenStack — an integral part of modern cloud infrastructure, widely used in the realm of cloud computing, designed to meet the needs of contemporary businesses and enterprises.


This suite of software components and tools offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). With it, you can create and scale virtual machines, store data, and manage network infrastructure. Let's delve into the architecture of OpenStack and its core components, which aid OneCloudPlanet in ensuring the uninterrupted operation of your cloud infrastructure.


Components of OpenStack


The architecture of this complex of open-source projects consists of several key components, each of which performs specific functions:


  • Nova (Compute): this component is responsible for managing computing resources, such as virtual machines (VMs). Nova provides capabilities for VM creation, lifecycle management, and many other functions.
  • Neutron (Networking): it manages network resources in the cloud. It provides the ability to create virtual networks, routing, and IP address management for VMs.
  • Cinder (Block Storage): this component handles block storage management, allowing the attachment of block devices to virtual machines.
  • Swift (Object Storage): it ensures data storage and access in object format, providing scalable and resilient storage for large volumes of data.
  • Glance (Image Service): responsible for managing VM images, allowing you to upload, store, and update images used for VM deployment.
  • Keystone (Identity Service): manages authentication and authorization in OpenStack.
  • Horizon (Dashboard): it's a web interface for OpenStack management and monitoring. Through Horizon, users can easily interact with the cloud, create, and manage resources.


Architectural Principles of OpenStack


The architecture of OpenStack is built upon several key principles:


  • Scalability: OpenStack provides horizontal scaling of resources, enabling rapid responses to changing workloads and the addition of resources as needed.
  • Open Source: the platform is an open-source project, meaning you have full access to the source code and can adapt the system to your needs.
  • Modularity: OpenStack components can be used individually or in combination, allowing the creation of clouds tailored to specific requirements.
  • Flexibility and customizability: OpenStack offers a wide range of configuration options, enabling organizations to create clouds that match their needs. It encompasses numerous services, providing a broad spectrum of functionalities.
  • Security: Keystone ensures security and access control, which is critical for cloud solutions. For example, our cloud platform offers powerful firewall management tools, ensuring an additional layer of protection for your data and applications, guaranteeing the reliability and security of your cloud environment.
  • Performance: the platform is optimized for high-demand applications, making it an ideal choice for enterprises where performance is crucial.


Further Integration


OpenStack, as a robust cloud infrastructure management platform, can be integrated with various OneCloudPlanet solutions, offering users a wide range of capabilities and functionalities:


  1. Cloud Instance: tools are provided for deploying and managing virtual machines in the cloud. In this combination, users can create and scale virtual machines as needed, manage resources, and ensure high application availability.
  2. Block Storage: OpenStack Cinder, the component for block storage management, can be integrated with block storage. This allows users to create, manage, and scale block storage devices for their virtual machines and applications.
  3. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): OpenStack Neutron, the network virtualization component, allows for the creation and management of virtual networks and network resources. It can be integrated with VPC, providing users with flexible network configuration and secure resource separation.
  4. Firewall (Firewall as a Service, FWaaS): this interaction provides users with powerful tools for firewall management and network security. Users can configure security rules.
  5. Migration to the cloud: as an open-source platform, it can be integrated with migration tools, simplifying the process of migrating applications and data to the cloud. This streamlines the transition to cloud solutions and infrastructure optimization.
  6. Profitable Dev/Test environment: OpenStack provides the means to create isolated Dev/Test environments, and OneCloudPlanet can provide access to more cost-effective resources and services for developers and testers.
  7. Basic administration: it offers the ability to more efficiently manage your cloud infrastructure, ensuring high availability and security.


In this way, integrating OpenStack with OneCloudPlanet solutions allows users to efficiently harness cloud resources, create flexible and scalable environments, and ensure the reliability and security of their applications and data.

Using OpenStack in Various Industries


OpenStack has demonstrated its versatility and adaptability to different industries. Let's explore how it is applied in some of them:


  • Telecommunications: in the telecommunications sector, OpenStack is used to create virtualized networks and provide a more flexible and scalable infrastructure. This enables telecom operators to deliver new services more promptly and reduce the total cost of ownership.
  • Healthcare: in the medical field, it aids in storing and processing medical data with a high degree of security and availability. OpenStack cloud is used for storing PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems) data, sharing data between hospitals, and advancing medical research.
  • Finance: financial institutions appreciate OpenStack for its ability to create private clouds and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. It provides a high level of security for confidential financial data.
  • Research and education: numerous universities and research organizations utilize OpenStack to create data processing environments and conduct scientific research. This helps save on hardware costs and accelerates scientific experiments.


OpenStack's adaptability and versatility make it a valuable asset in diverse industries, offering the agility and security needed for modern IT environments.

Multi-user access and management


OpenStack is designed with the capability for simultaneous access and resource management by different user groups. This allows for the division of cloud infrastructure into isolated projects or departments, giving them full control over their resources. Some important aspects in this area include:


  • Role-based model: it has a flexible access control system with different user roles. Administrators, developers, and end-users can have varying levels of access to cloud resources.
  • Project isolation: users can create their own projects that function as separate, isolated environments within the OpenStack cloud, without any overlap. This effectively enables the separation of resources and data among different teams or applications, ensuring complete autonomy and security within the cloud.
  • Quotas and limits: it provides tools for setting resource usage quotas, helping prevent overuse and ensuring fair resource distribution among users.
  • API interfaces: it offers APIs for resource management automation. This allows developers to integrate the cloud into their own applications and processes.


As a result, OpenStack provides flexible tools for organizing multi-user access and management.



OneCloudPlanet, offering cloud solutions integrated with OpenStack, simplifies the tasks associated with creating and managing cloud infrastructure. This enables companies to focus on their business tasks rather than the complexities of infrastructure management. Thus, in synergy with OpenStack and OneCloudPlanet's cloud solutions, organizations can achieve maximum productivity, efficiency, and security in the world of cloud computing.


Creating and managing cloud infrastructure is a significant step towards the future, and OpenStack, in combination with OneCloudPlanet's solutions, provides a reliable foundation for this journey.


